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About Us

Your Pet's Personal AI Assistant

Wiggly is pet owner's personal AI assistant, designed to make pet care seamless and intuitive. As a mobile application, Wiggly places a powerful chat feature at its heart, allowing pet owners to engage in conversations with Wiggly, seek advice on any pet-related query, and receive expert, tailored responses. Beyond interactive chat, Wiggly enables users to track and monitor all vital pet health indicators, ensuring your furry friend's well-being is always in check.

Proactive by nature, Wiggly doesn't just respond; it anticipates your needs. It delivers timely alerts, practical suggestions, and guidance to foster a joyful and healthy life for you and your pet. With additional features like a comprehensive calendar and a dedicated training center, Wiggly aims to be your all-encompassing app for pet care, offering a suite of tools designed to cater to every aspect of pet ownership.


Wiggly's History

Work on Wiggly began in 2022 with data collection, content creation, and algorithm development. In march 2023, a MVP of the product was launched, quickly gaining high user engagement and positive feedback. By April, the "Wiggly Platform" became operational, enabling users to find and purchase desired products or services with Wiggly's support.

Now we are happy to announce our final product, which is mobile application. Mobile application of Wiggly records and analyzes pet history and provides highly personalized and expert assistance, as well as proactive guidance to the pet owner about any necessary subject. It also has additional tools for pet caring: pets dashboard, with all relevant information about pet; calendar; training center and other. 

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